Florin Stanciu, Romeo Potorac, Veronica Stoian. Poster at 5th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetics and Molecular Anthropology. Split, Croatia, 3-7 September 2007.
Starting with an intuitive schema and a rich historical information background, it has been possible to determine the origins and the most probable genetic profile of a male person who lived between 1954 and 1984. In lack of some biological sample from this person, an indirect approach was the most suitable way in determining his genetic autosomal profile. For this purpose it has been analyzed his genealogical tree – eight saliva samples taken from his relatives and 9 biological micro-traces taken from the surface of fifth personal paper documents – a school certificate, a driving license, a handwritten letter, a communist party notebook and a receipt. DNA Isolated from all biological samples had been amplified using Identifiler and Yfiler kits. PCR products had been analyzed with ABI Prism 3100. For revealing the genealogical origins of the investigated male person, specific international DNA databases for Y and autosomal STR markers, such as YHRD, Ysearch, OmniPop and ENFSI WG STR Population Database, had been interrogated.
Keywords: genealogical tree, personal documents, most probable genetic profile, historical case, STR databases.
Last Updated on 06.12.2023 by Mugo