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ADN-ul românilor

În așteptarea unor studii populaționale genomice… o listă cu studii populaționale în care s-au folosit markeri genetici, efectuate pe teritoriul României. Articolele sunt împărțită în funcție de tipul sau localizarea markerilor – ADNmt, cromozomul Y și ADNn (listă în continuă dezvoltare):

ADN Mitocondrial


  • Wright SL, Reyfield K, Singleton R, Hughes K, Soficaru A, Cretu C, Huang L,  Wu S, Reinberger KL, Rabinowitz A, Hofman C. Ancient DNA and Paleoproteomic Analysis on Roman Imperial-Era Individuals from Histria, Romania. Posted: 27 Oct 2023. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4610283 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4610283
  • Gînguță A, Rusu I, Mircea C, Ioniță A, Banciu HL, Kelemen B. Mitochondrial DNA Profiles of Individuals from a 12th Century Necropolis in Feldioara (Transylvania). Genes 2021, 12, 436. doi.org/10.3390/genes12030436
  • Melchionda F, Stanciu F, Buscemi L, Pesaresi M, Tagliabracci A, Turchi C, Searching the undetected mtDNA variants in forensic MPS data, Forensic Science International: Genetics, Volume 49, 2020, 102399, ISSN 1872-4973, doi.org/10.1016/j.fsigen.2020.102399.
  • Rusu I, Modi A, Vai S, Pilli E, Mircea C, Radu C, Urduzia C, Pinter ZK, Bodolică V, Dobrinescu C, Hervella M, Popescu O, Lari M, Caramelli D, Kelemen B. Maternal DNA lineages at the gate of Europe in the 10th century AD. PLOS ONE. 2018;13(3):e0193578. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0193578.
  • Cocoș R, Schipor S, Hervella M, Cianga P, Popescu R, Bănescu C, Constantinescu M, Martinescu A, Raicu F. Genetic affinities among the historical provinces of Romania and Central Europe as revealed by an mtDNA analysis. BMC Genetics. 2017;18(1). doi:10.1186/s12863-017-0487-5.
  • Turchi C, Stanciu F, Paselli G, Buscemi L, Parson W, Tagliabracci A. The mitochondrial DNA makeup of Romanians: A forensic mtDNA control region database and phylogenetic characterization. Forensic Science International: Genetics. 2016;24:136-142. doi:10.1016/j.fsigen.2016.06.013.
  • Fu Q, Hajdinjak M, Moldovan OT, Constantin S, Mallick S, Skoglund P, Patterson N, Rohland N, Lazaridis I, Nickel B, Viola B, Prüfer K, Meyer M, Kelso J, Reich D, Pääbo S. An early modern human from Romania with a recent Neanderthal ancestor. Nature. 2015;524(7564):216-219. doi:10.1038/nature14558.
  • Hervella M, Izagirre N, Alonso S, Ioana M, Netea MG, de-la-Rua C. The Carpathian range represents a weak genetic barrier in South-East Europe. BMC Genetics. 2014;15(1):56. doi:10.1186/1471-2156-15-56.
  • Cardoș G, Rodewald A, Soficaru AD. Ancient DNA Study on fuman fossils found in Costișa, Romania, dating from the Bronze Age. Dacia. 2008;52:55-67.
  • Brandstätter A, Egyed B, Zimmermann B, Duftner N, Padar Z, Parson W. Migration Rates and Genetic Structure of two Hungarian Ethnic Groups in Transylvania, Romania. Annals of Human Genetics. 2007;71(6):791-803. doi:10.1111/j.1469-1809.2007.00371.x.
  • Egyed B, Brandstätter A, Irwin JA, Pádár Z, Parsons TJ, Parson W. Mitochondrial control region sequence variations in the Hungarian population: Analysis of population samples from Hungary and from Transylvania (Romania). Forensic Science International: Genetics. 2007;1(2):158-162. doi:10.1016/j.fsigen.2007.03.001.
  • Bosch E, Calafell F, Gonzalez-Neira A, Flaiz C, Mateu E, Scheil H-G, Huckenbeck W, Efremovska L, Mikerezi I, Xirotiris N, Grasa C, Schmidt H, Comas D. Paternal and maternal lineages in the Balkans show a homogeneous landscape over linguistic barriers, except for the isolated Aromuns. Annals of Human Genetics. 2006;70(4):459-487. doi:10.1111/j.1469-1809.2005.00251.x.
  • Cardoș G, Stoian V, Miritoiu N, Comșa A, Kroll A, Voss S, Rodewald A. Paleo-mtDNA analysis and population genetic aspects of old Thracian populations from South-East of Romania. Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine. 2004;12(4):239-246.
  • Richards M, Macaulay V, Hickey E, Vega E, Sykes B, Guida V, Rengo C, Sellitto D, Cruciani F, Kivisild T, Villems R, Thomas M, Rychkov S, Rychkov O, Rychkov Y, Golge M, Dimitrov D, Hill E, Bradley D, Romano V, Cali F, Vona G, Demaine A, Papiha S, Triantaphyllidis C, Stefanescu G, Hatina J, Belledi M, Di Rienzo A, Novelletto A, Oppenheim A, Norby S, Al-Zaheri N, Santachiara-Benerecetti S, Scozari R, Torroni A, Bandelt HJ. Tracing European founder lineages in the Near Eastern mtDNA pool. American journal of human genetics. 2000;67(5):1251-1276.


Cromozomul Y



ADN Nuclear



Copertă: Târgul Moșilor, București 1861, ulei pe pânză, Carol Popp de Szathmary

Last Updated on 06.12.2023 by Mugo

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